
The South Bay Consortium for Adult Education (SBCAE) is one of 71 California Adult Education Program (CAEP) Consortia. We are a coalition of five Adult Schools (K-12 District Affiliated) and two Community College Districts, working together with regional partners to promote upward social and economic mobility for adult learners in the central part of Santa Clara County.

Our members create pathways and seamless transitions for adult students in the following program areas:

  • English as a Second Language (ESL), Citizenship and Immigrant Integration
  • Adult Basic Education
  • High School Diploma, High School Equivalency, GED
  • Career Technical Education (CTE), Workforce Preparation, Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship
  • Programs for Adults with Disabilities
  • Programs for Parents Supporting their Children’s K-12 Success

For more information about career pathways, programs and classes, visit SBCAE’s Open Doors website, or visit our members’ websites.

Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to partnering with you.

Traci Williams, Co-Chair, Adult Education
Dr. Maniphone Dickerson, Co-Chair, Community Colleges
Richard Abare, Director

News Flash

ADULT EDUCATION CHANGES LIVES. Read about Campbell Adult and Community Education graduate Candy Torres and other SBCAE students in a recent News and Review Adult Education Publication. In 2016, Candy enrolled at CACE to earn her high school diploma. While pursuing her high school diploma, Candy’s daughter was born and although she had to take a leave of absence, the staff and teachers at CACE supported her. Now, as the first member of her family to go to college, Candy is pursuing her dreams of becoming a teacher at West Valley College.

Read the full story