Students inspire at annual SBCAE conference.
Each year, SBCAE teachers, classified staff and administrators gather for an annual professional development conference. The theme of this year’s event, another virtual gathering due to the pandemic, was service. A fitting topic, given that SBCAE is in the midst of a three-year planning cycle, focused on the central question of how we, adult schools and community colleges, might best serve adult learners in our community.
No Wrong Door: a core SBCAE principle.
“The South Bay Consortium for Adult Education commits to implementing a “No Wrong Door” philosophy – that is, an adult learner will be able to begin their educational process no matter which SBCAE member’s services they access first. They will be welcomed, and their goals and needs will be understood and used to personalize service. There will be a common system to identify the student’s level of academic functioning and comfort zone when it comes to instructional setting. The contact will be culturally sensitive and respectful, and the optimal setting will be found for that individual.”